Friday, March 23, 2007

A really big, sailing, snorkeling, seeing dolphins and everything else adventure

Today we went on a really big sailing, snorkeling, seeing whales, dolphins, fish, and throw-up on seats adventure. First I'll explain our sailing part of the adventure. We didn't really get to sail much, because of the whales and the dolphins, which I'll explain later. Now, I'll explain about snorkeling (this is just the simple way to do it). We did get to go snorkeling, but I sat on the boogie board the whole time. They had boogie boards with windows so you could boogie board and see the fish. Now I'll explain about seeing whales. We saw some humpback whales on this adventure (that was what slowed us down). There was one whale that kept sticking its flipper out of the water and waving. Now I'll explain about the dolphins. We saw spinner dolphins and bottlenose dolphins. Spinners can spin up to seven times in one jump (that's what I heard the tour guide say). I saw lots of them jumping out of the water and spinning. We also saw bottlenose dolphins. They were getting really close to the boat. The tour guide said they like to race the boat. On the way to the snorkeling adventure, I didn't feel so good. That's what explains the seeing throw-up on seats part. We had a big adventure today, didn't we?!

1 comment:

R.A.R. Clouston said...

I enjoyed your posting about your dolphin watching trip. You might be interested in my blog that speaks on behalf of the these magnificent beings. It captures the words and thoughts of a bottlenose dolphin named Apollo. Please visit or visit my website